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Campers enjoy丨2017 English and American study classes are in progress

From:Shijiazhuang No.42 Secondary School Time:2017-07-04 18:03:08 Read:3043

    On July 4th, the students from 2017 English and American study classes experienced the interesting American math course with the teacher Heidi, and they also explored the mysteries of learning English and felt the charm of archeology with the teacher Liu Yan. What's more, the students learned about American social customs and practiced American life spoken language with the teacher Zhang Qing. Finally, they learned Hebei non-folk art, and felt the charm of Chinese culture with the teachers from Hebei Museum.


1. American teacher Heidi is introducing the math problem that she is going to teach by asking the students about the temperature of the day and its difference from American way of scaling it.


2. Students are working devotedly and enthusiastically in Heidi's Math class.


3. Students are recalling what they have learnt from Heidi's math class and presenting their ideas to the whole class. Heidi is interacting with the students  who are doing presentations in front of the class.


4. Miss Liu  is talking about the importance of English sense and the implications of certain English words using entertaining and vivid examples.


5. Miss Liu  is talking about an interesting legal case that is going to be discussed in a courtroom where the students are hired by the defendent as his attorneys.


6. A student is summerizing the case after listening to it using her own words.


7. Before a group work assignment, Miss Liu is introducing the necessary hints that are going to help the students with their brain-storming  in this activity.


8. Students are involved in Miss Liu's class and working on the assigned  group activity  wholeheartedly and with great interest.


9.Miss Zhang is giving students an oral English class about traveling. She attracts students' attention by introducing interesting contents; also she encourages students to show their ideas. Students are listening to her class very carefully. Her class is interesting and effective.


10. Yutian clay sculpture art is a famous intangible cultural heritage in Hebei province. It originated from Tangshan County of Yutian Province in Hebei. In the early Qing Dynasty Guangxu years, people then made sculptures as a toy or entertainment. This kind of artistic expression is rich and colorful, and different works are created according to different material, such as myth, bird, twelve zodiac, and so on. There are many vivid and interesting representative works.


11.Journey to the west, Mu Guiying command The Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea, four, Beijing Olympic mascots fuwa. The Yutian clay sculpture art spread so far, and deeply the reason people love it is very unique, exaggerated, simple lines, coarse ore Dzodzo dasudaya, in a nutshell is down to earth.


12.Hebei Museum Ms.Yao  told students to learn and heritage clay sculpture process, not only to enrich the after-school life, but also to understand the Chinese nation's traditional culture.


Amazing  Days with Hebei International School


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Add:42 Wenyuan Jie Lianmeng Xilu Shijiazhuang Hebei.PRC  Tel:0311-67697600